Thursday, March 25, 2010

Regular workout

This past Monday, I was at 276.2 pounds and did a typical workout.

My workout routine is fairly simple. Treadmill for 30 minutes, then some pull-downs, abdominal crunches, and pull-ups.

For the treadmill, my attempt is to get my heart to 134 beats per minute for most of that. Yet, I cannot run or jog (my knees won't take it). So, I set the speed for 3.0 MPH, and adjust the incline accordingly. My goal is that if the incline is greater than 5.0 degrees at the end of the treadmill session, then I will increase the speed to 3.1.

The gym at work has a lot of exercise equipment. Now, I've not got a lot of upper-body strength, so what I'm doing looks kind of wimpy, but it taxes my strength. For the pull-downs I'm pulling down about 26 pounds in three sets of 12. At the end, the last two or three really are difficult as my muscles complain "Hey, I don't wanna do this!"

Then, there is the abdominal crunch machine. This is also set on the third position, and I'm crunching about 26 pounds in three sets of 12. I'm about ready to increase the weight on this one.

The most fascinating piece of equipment is the pull-up machine. I can set the offset on it to 240 pounds (the maximum). By "offset", what I mean is that it offsets the body's weight by the amount to which it is set, then you climb onto it, kneeling on a pad, and do the pull-up. I can get through the first set of 12, but on the second set, I can only get about eight of them done before my muscles cry "Uncle!" For the third set, I'm lucky if I can get to six.

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